How to Find the Time: A Few Tips for Independent Reading

In 2020 the International Literacy Association surveyed educators on the hot issues in literacy. From this, we learned that you value independent reading time for students but rarely get to leave enough time for it. You think that home and classroom libraries need more diversity, and those collections should be larger. You would also like more professional development for digital […]


Learning to Read by Sounding it Out

To beginning readers, coming across a new, complicated word is very intimidating. Early in the process of learning to read, we learn to recognize sight words, common sounds, and phonics or informally “sounding it out.”   A recent article, Why phonics was key in one district’s reading growth, profiles one school district. It shows that revisiting phonics at various ages made reading […]


Reading Online is Working Great! What About Science and Math?

Learning science and math skills virtually can be hard. Even students that are very skilled in these areas can experience frustration and give up. We sympathize with the teachers and parents trying to work through these problems to keep their students learning and happy. We have curated and organized our library with these learners in mind. If you have a […]
